This past year, IM has been looking into ways of serving a broader swath of NYC independent artists, in a more meaningful way. Our first step in this direction was our latest work, The Future at the End of the World, an experiment in building a real-time creative community through structured collaboration and resource sharing. Keep your eyes open for big announcements on this front in the near future. For now, please help us support our artists and the wild, risky, and absolutely vital work they will create in the coming year by making a tax-deductible donation.
I came across your site along a little rabbit hole. I read a little of your text about giving just to give and realized this was something that was said to me not too long ago. My partner was actually in need and I was frustrated by maybe giving too much for too long. Then a friend mentioned that I shouldn’t need a reason or an excuse to help someone I love in whatever way possible. So many charitable donations and grants go out to applicants or minorities or whoever someone deems “deserving”. Aren’t we all deserving of help in whatever way in any situation? The ultimate act of love. Giving just to give. No strings attach or motive needed just a request and understanding human to human. Without knowing or measuring amount. No quantitative or qualitative analysis required? An increased fluidity of something that shouldn’t have come to bear much significance at all.
Love and light to you from an equal.